Healthy Relationship Tips

General Healthy Relationship Tips from HRMET project and National Relationship & Education Network:

1.)   CHOOSE: Make the relationship a priority
Be intentional.
Commit effort to the relationship.
Focus on other’s strengths.
Avoid hurtful thoughts and behaviors.
Find ways to grow your relationship. 
Envision a healthy future together.

2.)   Know: Get to know your partner well
Ask about partner’s life, thoughts and feelings.
Be sensitive to partner’s worries and needs.
Recall positive experiences together.
Express sincere interest
Reveal your thoughts and feelings.
Discuss what you expect in the relationship.

3.)   Care: Show affection and respect
Express kindness and appreciation.
Be present and available.
Be open and listen to your partner.
Try to see your partner’s perspective.
Accept and value differences.
Soothe troubled feelings.
Look for the good in your partner.

4.)   Care for Self: Be physically and mentally healthy
Follow good nutrition guidelines.
Exercise Regularly.
Set regular sleep and wake times.
Avoid substance abuse.
Recognize signs of emotional strain.
Find healthy ways to manage stress.

5.)   Share: Develop and Maintain your friendship
Give and receive love and affection.
Schedule meaningful time together.
Find common interests and activities.
Create couple traditions and rituals.
Work towards common goals.
Envision yourselves as a “Team.”
Protect the relationship from negative influences.

6.)   Manage: Deal with differences in healthy ways
Share concerns in a calm, respectful tone.
Focus on understanding your partner’s view.
Avoid defensiveness and criticism.
Soothe and support each other.
Take “Time outs” but come back to talk
Understand that there cannot always be agreement.
Maintain emotional and physical safety.

7.)   Connect: Engage a positive social network
Grow and maintain extended family relationship.
Be part of a supportive network of friends.
Engage jointly in community organization and service.
Identify and celebrate sources of meaning (i.e. spirituality, values).

Click here for more information on healthy couples and marital relationships.

Information compiled by Meagan Shinn