About Us

Mission Statement:
Ivy & Brick is the essential guide for students and young professionals seeking the knowledge necessary to establish and maintain a greener way of living. Through content that is both informative and entertaining, Ivy & Brick examines the need for green living and offers readers tools for action that are simple, practical and convenient no matter what shade of green they may be.

Editor-in-Chief: Chelsey Willis
Web Editor: Delaney Young
Managing Editors: Mary Kate Hoban & Katelyn Schiavone
Articles Editor: Natalee Cooper
Features Editors: Jourdana Passaro & Meagan Shinn
Department Editors: Brooke McMillan, Chelsea Swanhart, Emily Robinson, Lindsey Derrick
Design Director: Ana Lenuzza
Associate Design Editors: Jen Ingles & Lindsay Durrand
Photo Editor: Brittany Myers


Ivy & Brick Magazine
Journalism Room 242
120 Hooper Street
Athens, GA 30601